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The possible results to be displayed can be grouped into five major categories:

The View Results menu and the View Results window are used to manage the visualization of the different type of results.

The View Results menu lets you select any type of result:

The View Results window manages the visualization of the following type of results:

View Results Window

As the results are grouped into steps and analysis, GiD must know which analysis and step is the currently selected for displaying results. The Analysis menu of the View Results window is used to select the current analysis and step to be used for the rest of the results options. If some of the results view requires another analysis or step, the user will be asked for it.

Note: To stop viewing a result, the user can select No Result in this window or in the View results menu.

Contour Fill

This option allows the visualization of colored zones, in which a variable, or a component, varies between two defined values. GiD can use as many colors as allowed by the graphical capabilities of the computer. When a high number of colors is used, the variation of these colors looks continuous, but the visualization becomes slower unless the Fast-Rotation option is used. A menu of the variables to be represented will be shown, from which the one to be displayed will be chosen, by using the default analysis and step selected.

Vectors will be unfolded into X, Y, and Z components and its module. Symmetric matrix values will be unfolded into Sxx component, Syy component, Szz component, Sxy component, Syz component and Sxz component of the original matrix and also into Si component, Sii component and Siii component in 3D problems or angular variation in 2D problems. Any of these components can be selected to be visualized.

When using results defined over gauss points, they are extrapolated to the nodes. So discontinuities can appear between adjacent elements. If the gauss points results cannot be extrapolated to the nodes, they are drawn as coloured spheres. The radius and detail level of these spheres can be configured too (see section Point and Line options).

Several configuration options can be accessed via the Options menu.

Contour Colours Window

Smooth Contour Fill

This option displays a Contour fill, explained in the previous section, of a local smoothing of the results defined over gauss points.

With the Smoothing type option inside the menu Options->Contour the user can choose between these types of local smoothing:

Contour Ranges

This is the same as the Contour Fill visualization type, but the coloured areas are created following a 'Result range table' specified in the results file, see section Result Range Table, and the name of these areas are also visualized as text labels.

Contour ranges example

Contour Lines

This display option is quite similar to contour fill (see section Contour Fill), but here, the isolines of a certain nodal variable are drawn. In this case, each color ties several points with the same value of the variable chosen.

Here the configurations options are almost the same than the ones for Contour Fill (see section Contour Fill), with the only difference that the number given in the Number of Colors option will be used as the number of lines for this contour lines representation.

Show Minimum and Maximum

With this option the user can see the minimum and maximum of the chosen result.

Note: This minimum and maximum can be absolute, for all the meshes/sets/cuts, or relative (local) to the shown ones. This can be selected from the top menu Options -> Contour -> Set Limits.

Display vectors

This option displays a menu with results from vectors and matrices (where the principal values are previously evaluated by the program). A menu of variables to be represented will be shown, from which the one to be seen should be chosen, using the default analysis and step selected. Once a vector is chosen, the program will display the nodal vectors of the chosen result. The drawn vectors can be scaled interactively. The factor can be applied several times and every time it changes to the new input value.

The user can modify the colour of the vectors, which, by default, are drawn in green, so that all the vector are drawn with the same colour, or let the vectors colour vary according to the result module.

When drawing a matrix result, such as the stress tensor, only a single color representation of principal values is available: blue when negatives (also drawn as >--< representing compressions), and red when positives (also drawn as <--> representing tensions).

Vectors will be unfolded into X, Y, and Z components and its module. So only the X, Y or Z component can be drawn or the whole vector, which is represented by the module menu option. Symmetric matrices will be unfolded into Si component, Sii component, Siii component and 'All' components. Any of these components can be selected to be visualized. Si, Sii and Siii represent the eigen values & vectors of the matrix results which are calculated by GiD, and which are ordered according to the eigen value.

Several configuration options can be accessed via the Options menu.

Color Mode: This option lets the user choose if vectors are drawn in one color (Mono Color) or in several colors (Colour Modules).

Number of Colors: If the user uses Colour Modules to draw vectors, it is possible to choose the number of colors.

Offset: With this option, the user controls where the vector should be in relation of the node, ranging from 0, to tie the tail of the arrow to the node, to 1, to tie the tip of the arrow to the node.

Note: These options have no effect when viewing a matrix result.

Colour (mono): When vectors are drawn in (Mono Color) Color Mode, they are drawn in green. The user can change this green colour selectiong this entry.

Detail: The level of detail can be adjusted to draw the vectors quicker or nicer. The different options are:

Note: This last option affects also matrix and local axes results.

Iso Surfaces

Here a surface is drawn that ties a fixed value inside a volume mesh. A line is drawn for surface meshes. To create iso-surfaces there are several options:

Several configuration options can be accessed via the Options menu.

Stream Lines

With this option the user can display a stream line, or, in fluid dynamics, a particle tracing, in a vector field. After choosing a vector result, using the default analysis and step selected, the program asks the user for a point to start with the plotting of the stream line. This point can be given in several ways:

When viewing Stream Lines, labels can be drawn to show the times at start and end points of the stream line.

Stream lines can also be deleted, and its, by default, green colour can be changed too.

Following options can be chosen for Stream Lines:

Color: the colour of the stream lines.

Delete: this option lets the user select stream lines to be deleted.

Label: this option lets the user select the kind of label:

Size & detail: here the user can adjust the wise, width, and detail of the stream lines using a window ( see section Point and Line options).

Line diagrams

This result visualization option is only active when line elements are used in the mesh, and only will be represented over these line elements. When using this result visualization option, graph-style lines will be drawn over the line elements.

When drawing a Scalar Diagrams the graph-style lines are drawn on a plane parallel to the screen ( with its normal vector pointing to the user) when this result view is selected. The positive 'axis' will be the vector resulting of the cross product between this normal vector and the one that the line defines.

When drawing a Vector Diagrams the graph-style lines are drawn on a plane that withholds the result vector and the one that the line defines. The graph-style line represent the module of this vector. The positive 'axis' is also defined by the result vector. As modules are positive, to allow negative values, the input format for vector results allows the introduction of a fourth component: the signed vector module (see section Postprocess results format: ProjectName.post.res, ProjectName.flavia.res).

There is a Show Elevations option only accessible through the Right buttons menu under 'Results / LineDiagram / Options'. Elevations are lines that connect the nodes and the gauss points of the line element and the graph style line that represents the result. The options are:


Legends appear when Contours visualization, iso-surfaces or color vector visualization are used:


Graph Lines description

Here the user can draw graphs in order to have a closer look to the results. Several graphs types are available: point evolution against time, result 1 vs. result 2 over points and result along a boundary line. The user can also save or read a Graph (see section Files menu). The format of the file will be described later. (see section Graph Lines File Format)

Under the Graphs option of the View Results menu there are the following options:

The user can also view the labels of the points of the graphs, not only the Graph points number, but also theirs X and Y values. If some points of the Graphs are labeled, when turning into the normal results view, the labels also appear on the results view.

Graph Lines options

Graph Lines File Format

The Graph file that GiD uses is an standard ASCII file. Every line of the file is a point of the Graph with X and Y coordinates separated by a space. Comment lines are also allowed and should begin with a '#'. The title of the Graph and the labels for the X and Y axis can also be configured. If a comment line contains the Keyword 'Graf:' the string between quotes that follows this keyword will be used as title of the graf. The string between quotes that follows the Keyword 'X:' will be used as label for the X axis. The same is also true for the Y axis, but for the Keyword 'Y:'.

Here an example:

        # Graf: "Nodes 26, 27, 28, ... 52 Graf."
        # X: "Szz-Nodal_Streess" Y: "Sxz-Nodal_Stress"
        -3055.444 1672.365
        -2837.013 5892.115
        -2371.195 666.9543
        -2030.643 3390.457
        -1588.883 -4042.649
        -1011.5 1236.958
        # End

Result surface

This option uses a result component, or a scalar value, and draws a 3D surface above the mesh following the normals of this mesh. It can be seen as an extrusion of the mesh along their normals with the result as factor. Like the beam diagrams but with surfaces.

With the Show elevations option inside the menu Options->Result Surface the user can choose how the elevations ( lines or faces that connect the Result Surface with the underlaying mesh) are drawn:

Deform Mesh

Volumes, surfaces and cuts can be deformed according to a nodal vector and a factor. When doing so all the results are drawn on the deformed volumes, surfaces and cuts. This is called in GiD: Main Geometry. Thus, when the Main Geometry is deformed, results are also drawn deformed; and when Main geometry is in its original state, results are also drawn in its original state.

View results window allows to do this.

Deformation Window

On the upper part of this window, the user can choose between the Original state of the Main Geometry and the Deformed state, for which a nodal vectorial result, and an analysis and step, must be selected and a factor entered.

There is also a so-called Reference Geometry option. This allows to visualize volumes, surfaces or cuts like Main Geometry but NO results can be displayed over these volumes, surfaces or cuts. It is merely provided as a reference, to contrast several deformation or changes of the original geometry. Remember that the current Mesh Display Style will be used for the Reference Geometry and it can be only changed when redoing it.

On the lower part of the Deform Mesh window, this Reference Geometry can be configured. The user can choose between:

Off, so this reference visualization is not displayed.

Original, if Main Geometry is deformed and the user wants to compare it with its original state without loosing a results representation.

Deformation, where, after providing an analysis, step, result and factor, the user can use it to contrast two deformation states, or a deformed state and an original geometry.

Color, the colour of the reference meshes can be the same as the original meshes, or can be specified here.

Do Cuts

Here the user can cut and divide volumes, surfaces and cuts. A cut of a volume mesh results into a cut plane. The cut is done for all the meshes, despite that some of them are switched off. When cutting surfaces, a line set will be created. Here only those surfaces that are switched on are cut.

Another feature is that a cut can be deformed, if meshes are also told to do so (see section Deform Mesh). A cut of a deformed mesh, when changing to the original shape, will be deformed accordingly.

When dividing volumes/surfaces only those elements of the volumes/surfaces switched on that lie on one side of a specified plane will be used to create another volume/surface.

Cuts can also be read and write from/to a file. The information stored into the file from a 'Cut Plane' is the plane equation that defines the plane ( Ax + By + Cz + D = 0), so it can be used with several models. The information stored into the file from a 'Cut Wire' is the points list of the cut-wire, i.e. the interseccion between the wire and the edges of the meshes/sets. These files are standard ASCII files. A line of a 'Cut Plane' archive contains the four coefficients of the cut defining plane separated by spaces. A line of a 'Cut Wire' archive contains the three coordinates of a point of the wire. Comment lines are allowed and should begin with a '#'.

An example of a 'Cut Plane' archive where three planes were written:

        # planes created of a 'cut succession'
        -10.82439 0.5740206 0 51.62557
        -10.82439 0.5740206 0 12.45994
        -10.82439 0.5740206 0 -26.70569

An example of a 'Cut Wire' archive:

        -2.444425 3.883427 2.487002
        2.130787 2.762815 3.885021
        0.8411534 4.458836 3.215301
        4.270067 3.795048 2.037187
        5.66561 3.414776 0.8219391
        2.945865 3.600701 3.29012
        0.4487007 3.764661 3.574121


With this window a little bit of automatization has been done to create animations inside GiD. Nowadays, almost all the results visualization are animated. Only stream-lines are not automatized along all the steps of the current analysis.

Animation Window

This window lets the user create an animation of the current Results View, where the limits can be fixed along the animation with Automatic Limits, and/or of the Deformation of the meshes.
On the right of the Step: label, the step value is shown. On the slide bar, the step number is shown.

The four buttons under the slide bar are autoexplicative, they should 'Rewind', 'Stop', 'Play' and 'Step' the animation. Also clicking on the slide bar the animation can be stepped down or up. The green led will change to red when an animation is begin stored on a file, after pressing the 'Play' button. This led will change back to green when the animation is finished, or the 'Stop' button is pressed.

Options are:

Automatic comments

While displaying results, comments can be automatically generated by switching on the Automatic checkbox in the Comments window, which appears selecting Utilities->Graphical->Comments.

If this option is selected and the comment lines are empty, the program will create its own automatic comments, like these ones:

Load Analysis, step 3
Display Vectors of Displacements, |Displacements| factor 68095.4.
Deformation ( x127.348): Displacements of Load Analysis 2, step 8.

in bold, the fields which will change when the visualization changes.

The user can also create its own automatic comments, just filling the comment lines. To tell the program where the result name, analysis name, etc., should be placed, following fields can be used:

GiD will substitute the fields by the values of the current visualization. Fields which cannot be fulfilled will be empty.

Several results

With this window, which appears under Windows->Several Results, the user can select whether to view the results one by one, as usual, or to view some results visualization types at once, for instance a contour fill of pressure and velocity vectors at the same time. From this window the user can also delete not desired results visualization. After selecting the desired behaviour, the user should press the Apply button

Several results window

Example showing contour fill, vectors and the minimum and maximum visualization types

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