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When starting the GiD program from a shell or script it is possible to supply some options in the same command line.


gid -help

The program will list the possible command line options.

Command line syntax:

gid [-b[{+/-}g][{+/-}i][{+/-}w] batch_file] [filename] [-h] [-p problem] [-e anything] [-n] [-n2] [-c] 

All options and filename are optional. filename is the name of a problem to be opened (extension .gid is optional)

Options are:

Other useful options are:

gid -compress [ -123456789ad] file_name_in file_name_out

To compress (gzip) a file, for instance to compress '.dat' files or new postprocess formatted data files.


gid [ -PostBinaryFormat { 1.0 / 1.1}] -PostResultsToBinary file_in file_out

To transform ASCII results files into compressed binary ones. You can select whether to use the binary format 1.0 or 1.1. The default, and recommended, is the 1.1.

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