Project Team Members

Mountains, as seen from our office at INRIA Grenoble, on February 24, 2014.


Benoit Benoit Lange Post-Doc (2014) and Research Engineer (2015) Website

2013-05-11ss Toàn NGUYÊN short bio.

Nguyên Gia Toàn is Docteur ès Sciences Mathématiques (Thèse d'Etat) from the University of Grenoble I (France), 1986 (PhD in Mathematics).
He is Directeur de Recherche with INRIA since 1992 (Senior researcher).

Current research.

Starting January 2015, he is a member of the MOAIS project at INRIA.
He was a co-founder and member of the OPALE project at INRIA (2002-2014) and is currently responsible for high-performance computing platforms, which focuses on numeric optimization, with applications to engineering.
His main interests are in distributed, grid, parallel and high-performance computing.
His current research is on workflow systems for e-Science, focusing on fault-tolerance and application resilience. More details are on the Software page.


Toàn Nguyên has been involved since 1998 in a number of European projects with partners from the aeronautics sector: DECISION, MACSINET, INGENET, FLOWNET, PROMUVAL (2002-2004), and currently with Europe and China: AEROCHINA (2005-2007), AEROCHINA2 (2008-2010), GRAIN (2010-2012) and currently GRAIN2 (2013-2015): Greener Aeronautics International Networking.


He is also responsible for a Work Package in the VELaSSCo project. This is a European FP7 STREP project (2014-2016) for the analysis and visualization of Big Data in e-Science applications, i.e., Visual Analysis for Extremely Large-Scale Scientific Computing.
The project includes seven European academic and industry partners from five different countries: CIMNE (SP) coordinator, ATOS (SP), JOTNE (No), SINTEF (No), Fraunhofer IGD (D), University of Edinburgh (UK) and INRIA (F).
Details are on the Partnerships page.
VELaSSCo Kick-Off Meeting in Barcelona, January 14-15, 2014.

He has been also involved in national ANR projects with partners from the automotive sector (OMD2, 2009-2012).


T. Nguyên has published over 150 papers in International Conferences and Journals. Recent references are on the Publications page.

Program Committees.

He is also a member of various Program Committees for international conferences, recently: the International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering (CDVE) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015, ADVCOMP 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013, CLOUD 2011, Cloud and Green Computing (CGC) 2011, 2012 and 2013, ICNS2012 and 2014, the IEEE Green Computing and Communications Conference (GreenCom 2015), the IEEE Data Science and Data Intensive Systems Conference (DSDIS 2015), SMARTGREENS 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016, CLOUDCOMPUTING 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 as well as BDCloud 2014 and 2015.
He is a reviewer for the Journal of Supercomputing (Springer), member of the editorial board of the Intl. Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems and of the Intl. Journal On Advances in Software (IARIA Eds).

Activities at INRIA.

He was a member of the INRIA Commission d'Evaluation (2011-2015) and member of the local CLHSCT (Security and Health Committee) (2009-2014). He is also Sauveteur Secouriste du Travail (emergency team at work). He was member of the INRIA local AGOS staff (cultural and social association) from 2007 to 2011, and is member of the national AGOS board (2012-2018).

Past research.

Previously, T. Nguyên was responsible for teams dedicated to research on relational databases at the University of Grenoble I (URANUS and MICROBE projects), software platforms at INRIA for the SINUS project, knowledge base systems (SHOOD), as well as distributed, parallel and grid computing systems (CAST), all of them dedicated to engineering applications.


Resume up to 2007 (in French).

T. Nguyen is certified flight instructor since 1990 and aerobatics instructor since 2000 at Aéroclub du Dauphiné (Grenoble - Le Versoud, LFLG). He is a member of the French Aeronautics Federation (Fédération Francaise Aéronautique) and of the French National Flight Instructors Association (Association Nationale des Pilotes Instructeurs) ). He is also an experienced sailor and amateur skier.


Tel : +33 (0) 4 76 61 52 40

Visit OPALE Rhône-Alpes Web and OPALE web (both open in new pages).

INRIA Grenoble Rhone-Alpes Research Center, © Photo J. Crowley, September 2011.


The OPALE team, March 2011.



Members of the OMD consortium meeting at INRIA in Sophia-Antipolis, 7-8 February 2008.


The OPALE team in Sophia-Antipolis, June 2005.

PhD student (2009-2013)
Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble I)
Laurentiu Trifan



IUT Informatique
Université Pierre Mendès-France (Grenoble)
Vincent Bel


IUT Informatique
Université Pierre Mendès-France (Grenoble)
Jean Arnaud


Pôle Scientifique Dassault-Aviation/UPMC
Tang Zhili

DEA Informatique
Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble)
Rezki Ahmedjkou
Mastère Informatique
Université Sidi Bel Abbes
Latifa Oulladji
IUT Informatique de Grenoble
Pierre Pronchery


Post Doc
Martial Mancip