
Collaborations of  the project OPALE are academic, industrial, national and international. This includes long-term cooperation with the Department of Mathematical Information Technology of the University of Jyväskylä (Finland), with the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (PR China), with international scientific cooperation bodies like ECCOMAS, and with over 20 European partners (among which EADS in France and Germany, Airbus in Spain, Alenia Aeronautica in Italy, DLR in Germany, VKI in Belgium, CIMNE in Spain, ONERA and CNES in France) and over 20 Chinese partners (among which AVIC1, ACTRI, NUAA, BUAA, NPU) in past FP6 and ongoing FP7 projects of the EC.

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National Collaborations

The OPALE project was a member of the OMD2 project funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) in the "COSINUS" program (Conception & Simulation). This project started in July 2009 for three years.

The focus is on "Distributed Multidiscipline Optimization".
The goal is to develop, deploy and use a distributed collaborative platform implementing advanced solutions to multidiscipline optimization problems. The platform is designed to integrate heterogeneous computing resources (PC clusters, supercomputers) connected by grid middleware to support innovative approaches to multidiscipline optimization problems. These approaches include multi-scale optimization with uncertainties, parallel optimization methodologies and advanced optimization libraries.Applications are defined, deployed, executed and monitored using a dynamic workflow e-science framework.
Industrial testcases will be used to test the platform against large-scale industrial multidiscipline problems: automotive aero-acoustics and engine design, aircraft aerodynamics, etc.
The consortium includes Renault SA (coordinator), Sirenha, ActiveEon, Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Ecole Centrale de Paris, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, Université de Technologie de Compiègne and INRIA.

International Collaborations


The project OPALE is responsible for a Work Package in the VELaSSCo project. This is a European FP7 STREP project (2014-2016) for the analysis and visualization of Big Data in e-Science applications, i.e., Visual Analysis for Extremely Large-Scale Scientific Computing.
The project includes seven European academic and industry partners from five different countries: CIMNE (SP) coordinator, ATOS (SP), JOTNE (No), SINTEF (No), Fraunhofer IGD (D), University of Edinburgh (UK) and INRIA (F).
Details are on the Partnerships page.

VELaSSCo Kick-Off Meeting in Barcelona, January 14-15, 2014.


The project OPALE is a member of the GRAIN2 project and was previously member of the GRAIN, AEROCHINA and AEROCHINA2 projects of the EC. GRAIN2 is a Cooperative ans Support Action, and was launched in October 2013 in Barcelona. It is a project of the "Transport (including Aeronautics)" program of the FP7. The focus is on simulation and optimization in aeronautics for greener transportation (drag reduction, combustion emissions reductions, smart materials). Fifteen European partners and fourteen Chinese partners from industry, academia and public research institutions are involved, including INRIA, CIMNE (coordinator), DLR, EADS, AIRBUS, in Euope, CAE, AVIC1, NUAA, etc, in China. The contributions of project OPALE to GRAIN2 are on High-Performance Computing and Collaborative Platforms.

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The AEROCHINA2 project was a follow-up of the AEROCHINA project of the "Aeronautics and Space" program of the FP6 (2005-2007).
The goal was to foster the cooperation among industry, academia, and Chinese and European reserach institutes in multiphysics applications for modeling, computing, design and validation in the aeronautics sector.
Twelve Chinese partners were involved and twelve European partners, among which are EADS, AIRBUS, Dassault, ONERA, DLR, ....


The project OPALE also participates actively in the building of an ECCOMAS network for the development of advanced numerical methods in multiphysics applications in the European IST and Transport and Aeronautics programs, aiming in particular for FP7.

OPALE was invited to participate in the Second Grid@Asia Workshop in Shanghai (China) and gave a lecture on Multidisciplinary applications for Aeronautics on grids (see Talks page).




European thematic networks

OPALE also particpates or participated in the European thematic networks DECISION, FLOWNET, INGENET, MACSI-net ( ) et PROMUVAL ( ).


In this last project, the focus was on validation of multiphysics code validation.
OPALE was responsible for the software integration platform.
The partners were Dassault-Aviation and EADS-CCR (France), EADS-M (Munich), Airbus and CIMNE (Barcelone, Spain), CENAERO (Belgium), CIRA and ALENIA Aeronautica (Italy), SNECMA et ONERA (France), la National Technical University of Athens (Greece), l'Université de Manchester (UK) et le DLR (Germany).


European coordination actions

The project OPALE also participates in the European actions (DG INFSO-F2): "Grids for complex problem solving".
OPALE was coordinator for a seminar on "Grid-based Virtual Organisations", London, May 2003, ( et ).
See also "Grid-based systems for complex problem solving" organised by the DG Information Society, Brussels, January 29-30 and June 20  2003 ( and ).


Other collaborations

A collaboration was launched in 2003 with CNES (Direction des Programmes) and several other partners, LogicaCMG (Holland), IPSL (France), EADS (France), DATAMAT (Italy), Fraunhofer IAO (Germany), FORTH (Greece), ECONET (Hungary), IP Devel (Romania), LogicDIS (Greece), University of Nicosia (Cyprus) and Beihang University (China).
The goal is to develop a common infrastructure for the design and deployment of virtual execution environments: "Hosting European Applications in Virtual ENvironments".


The project OPALE also participates actively in the Association Franco-Finlandaise pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique ( AFFRST ), with Pôle Scientifique Dassault-Aviation-Université de Paris 6, INRIA, CNRS, Center for Scientific Computing in Helsinki, Helsinki University of Technology, and the Université of Jyvaskyla.
T. Nguyen is member of the Advisory Board of AFFRST.
