CAST v1.11
Collaborative Applications Specification Tool


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This manual has for objectives to help you with the manipulation of the CAST software. The manual describe mainly the specification environment.

At the end of the manual (...) you will find a special part treating of presents bugs in the application.They will be corrected in following versions of the product.

CAST obectives

CAST is a software tool which had for aim to permit the specification and the implantation of collaborative applications.

Use context

You have many source codes. It is very difficult to make them a hand-arrangement in order to conceive applications. Moreover, they are found on different sites. CAST is the tool which gonna help you to systematise and to optimise the reusability of this codes ensemble.

Main principles

To graphicaly explain synchronisation relations between process still having good properties of mathematical theory, this is the choice of the CAST's specification language.

Indeed, the specification tool is a graphic language derived from the Milner's SCCS algebra.


CAST needs the Unix/Solaris 2.5 (or later) operating system and the X11-R5 (or later) graphic environment.
It also requires the installation of the ILOG Views (rev. 3.0 or later) libraries for GUI generation.
If the latter is not suitable, a runtime version of the CAST software including the adequate GUI environment can be provided to the users. In this case, a "hostid" for your computer must be provided to the CAST team at INRIA Rhone-Alpes to generate the appropriate runtime.
If you wish to install the ILOG Views libraries, you must first obtain a user license. For this, please contact ILOG at the following address :
9, rue de Verdun
BP 85
94253 GENTILLY Cedex (France)
Phone : 33 1 49 08 36 00
Fax :     33 1 49 08 36 10
Contact : Mr. Marshal
e-mail :
Positioning of some variables contained in your .cshrc file :

CASTHOME : The path where CAST is installed
(e.g. if CAST is installed in /home/users/user1/CAST, CASTHOME must be set to "/home/users/user1/CAST")

and if necessary ILVHOME : where ILOG Views is installed

To run the executable : type cast [filename.cast]


This software is protected by copyright laws. INRIA is the sole owner of the software. It cannot be used, copied, saved, distributed on any media without its written permission. It is provided as is, with no expressed or implied waranty by INRIA. It is used under the user's sole responsability. INRIA cannot be held responsible for any damage and data loss resulting from its use.

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Last update by Jérôme BLACHON, January 1999.

© 1997-1999 INRIA Rhône-Alpes.