CAST v1.11
Collaborative Applications Specification Tool


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The working area

This graphic zone is the place where language elements are combined in order to give birth to a specification. Once you have selected a symbol in the panel you can position the object in the working area just by clicking in that one.

Tasks and operators panel

The specification language is introduce in the form of a tool-box. Each symbol represents either an operator or a task.

Once the object is selected by a clic on the mouse left button in the panel, each clic with the mouse left button in the working zone create an object at the cursor design coordinates just at the clic time. Once the cursor located on an object in the working zone, the object can be selected by a clic with the left button. Each object selected in the working zone can be destroyed. In order to do that, the menu ????? option or the Cut button is used. Every task selected can be resize or move.

The symbol :   allow the selection of an element in the working zone and make it active.

The menu

It presents some fonctionnalities. These last ones are divided in 2 families :





To finish the project in progress and start a new one
To load a new project from the disk
To save the project in progress on the disk
To cancel last executed operations
To redo what was canceled
To copy the selected task in the buffer
To stick the task which is in the buffer
To delete the selection
To quit CAST
WARNING : The next buttons are not available in the CAST specifier !!!!!
To ask for the specified task graph execution
To momentarilly stop the execution
To restart after a pause
To stop the task graph execution

Messages bar

This zone at the bottom of the screen gives you out some informations following manipulations in the working zone.

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Last update by Jérôme BLACHON, January 1999..

© 1997-1999 INRIA Rhône-Alpes.